Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ulduar testing

Yesterday, WoWInsider posted an interesting article talking about how Ulduar, the next raid, will be released and tested on the PTR. The forum post they reference is here and I'll let you read it in detail, but it seems like testing will be closely monitored and controlled. Hopefully this will keep guides from popping up before the thing is even released.

I'm very excited about this because one of the things that ticked me off about all the "Wrath is too easy" QQ (while it may be somewhat warranted) is that of course it's easy to clear content when it's already been carefully and completely scouted (full disclosure: I'm a totally casual player, VERY limited experience in raids). I'm planning a bigger post on this, so I won't go into more detail, but I think if you're interested in learning really hard content then at least two things should happen:
  1. Blizz should provide challenging content
  2. Players who are interested in the hard stuff shouldn't read the strats, they should learn the encounters themselves!
Now, I don't know if that would've done anything to erase the "it's too easy" QQ, but the QQ would have at least been logical and a complaint that would be taken more seriously.

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