Monday, February 23, 2009

thoughts on questhelper

I've been using some flavour of of "making it faster and more efficient to complete quests" add-on since Wrath came out. I started with Lightheaded on the advice of WoWInsider, got tired of around the New Year and decided to try QuestHelper.

I know that there are many many people out there who rail endlessly against add-ons like this and I have to admit that I agree with them on some points. QH can definitely turn you into a bit of questing zombie.

I think, like so many things, it's all in how you use it. When I'm feeling adventurous, want to be immersed in the story, and don't mind wandering around looking for that one special kind of rhino that drops the special kind of eyes I turn QH off and have at it. When I'm more interested in some efficiency I enable it and plow through quests. Though, I always try to at least skim the quest text. :)

Folks often forget that World of Warcraft is a game and one of its main strengths is that it allows you to play how you like. And after all, isn't that the whole point?

Good hunting.

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