Saturday, February 28, 2009

falling behind

My blogging time (and my oh-so-precious wow time) have been impacted by happenings IRL this last week, so I'll try to catch up this weekend.

I picked a Titansteel Shield Wall off the auction house this week (which may not be a big deal to the more hardcore out there, but it's a big deal to your old pal Casual Paladin Guy) which in my mind pushed me to into viability for tanking heroics past Heroic Utgarde Keep.

Luckily I was able to run Heroic Violet Hold with some guildies this week and Bolstered Legplates dropped for me (w00t!) so I was able to upgrade from the Argent Crusade rep legs. A pretty sweet run overall.

I have to admit that while I have no problem pugging regular instances, I'm scared to death to tank any heroic pugs. It's partly not knowing which are the harder ones (there doesn't seem to be any consensus on the interweb) but I'm also afraid of being terrible! Then I read on the forums or comments on other blogs that some people hit 80 and stroll right into heroics... wtf? Am I being too cautious?

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah... that's totally my shield. matching love-shields!
